A Look at the Latest Medical Spa Equipment

In today’s tech-driven society, it’s important for medical spas to stay on top of the most current devices, machines, and equipment available to help clients achieve the most effective results and boost business. Here’s a look at some of the most innovative devices on the market today.

LumiMax PL from Esthetique

The LumiMax PL from Esthetique works to achieve permanent hair-removal results in all types and colors of hair and skin. It uses three effective wavelengths for hair removal in a single treatment, which allows treating the hair follicle at different depths and penetrating its different anatomical structures to offer a more complete and effective treatment. Being absorbed by the melanin, the applied energy heats the hair follicle and selectively destroys it, helping to prevent its regrowth permanently. www.esthetique.com

Cryo-Lean 360

Cryo-Lean 360 is a fat-reduction and body-toning device that utilizes fat freezing and pulse shockwave to target fat cells, smooth and tighten skin, and tone muscle. It’s a 35-minute treatment that is virtually hands-free, allowing spa professionals to do another service in a different area at the same time. Cryo-Lean 360 is a cosmetic device that is designed for estheticians, cosmetologists, spa professionals, and more. www.cryolean360.com

LightStim Elipsa

LightStim Elipsa treats both wrinkles and acne with one sleek and lightweight device to allow ultra-close proximity to the skin. LightStim Elipsa provides rejuvenating wavelengths of light energy to help reduce wrinkles on the entire face and treat acne and inflammation. www.lightstim.com


The Spirit Laser Hair Removal device from Silhouet-Tone combines the benefits of three wavelengths to target hair follicles in different depths, target melanin, and provide faster, safer, and more comfortable hair-removal results on all Fitzpatricks. www.silhouettone.us 


Celluma Restore is a light therapy device that is FDA-cleared to help restore thinning hair, and treat aging skin and general pain conditions in one device. Its patented, shape-taking design permits customized placement to effectively deliver light energy. It can also be placed anywhere on the body to help reduce pain and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. www.celluma.com

Altair Instrument

NewApeel from Altair Instruments is an aesthetic exfoliation machine that provides a crystal-free microdermabrasion treatment designed to smooth and soften the skin. Using a patented diamond-tipped facial wand to exfoliate every curve of the face and body, it offers a safe way to help clear away dead skin cells and surface imperfections, promote the growth of collagen, and reveal a healthier, more luminous complexion. www.altairinstruments.com 


Icoone Roboderm, manufactured by i-Tech, is a cellulite-reduction device that uses microstimulation to drain the body of excess liquids, firm the skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It can also be used on the face to help oxygenate and revitalize the skin; revitalize drainage; promote skin regeneration; and boost elastin and collagen production. www.skinsciencesolutions.com


Dermaflash Luxe+ is a gentle exfoliating treatment device that helps to instantly remove the oldest layer of dead skin cells, built-up debris, and peach fuzz. It also erases the barrier to product penetration and helps enhance the efficacy of all skincare and treatments that follow. www.dermaflash.com


Cynosure PicoSure Pro device is an FDA-cleared 755-nanometer picosecond laser that delivers energy in a trillionth of a second, utilizing pressure instead of heat to provide safe and effective treatments for unwanted pigmentation and skin revitalization for all skin types. The device is now equipped with two lenses that work to safely and effectively address a variety of concerns. The PicoSure Pro device’s advanced Platinum Focus lens array is used to help increase collagen and elastin to help combat wrinkles, acne scars, and pores. Additional enhancements include a sleek, modern design, intuitive graphic user interface, and new handpiece that is ideal for treating discrete lesions, lighter Fitzpatrick skin types, and smaller treatment areas. www.cynosure.com 

Oxygen Lab

Oxygen Lab Echo2 Professional Treatment System infuses 87 different vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids into the skin, combined with pure molecular oxygen to help heal, repair, and reverse the signs of aging in a 45-minute treatment to leave the skin soothed, nourished, and refreshed. It helps to restore the skin’s oxygen levels, speed healing, build collagen, and kill bacteria. www.oxygenlab.com


Bellanova is an all-in-one nano mist technology device. Using a nano gun spray, nano particles of bioactive substances and effective ingredients with sizes smaller than pores are sprayed on the epidermis for deep penetration into skin. The low-level laser helps with skin soothing, skin regeneration, and blood circulation. It is also effective for acne, skin elasticity enhancement, fine lines and coarse wrinkles, and brightening care. www.bellanovausa.com

Luminance RED

Luminance RED is an acne treatment at-home device that treats acne utilizing 90-second treatments of blue and red light wavelengths, applied separately. The painless blue light helps to kill the bacteria within the pimple; then, the therapeutic red light speeds up the skin’s healing process. www.luminancered.com


MiraDry is a non-surgical and FDA-cleared treatment that uses thermal energy to permanently reduce underarm sweat, odor, and hair. www.miradry.com