Tips on Designing a Steam Room

  1. For the inside ceiling of a steam room, the best material to use is small squares of ceramic tile in a non porous material so that you don't have to apply a sealant every 6 months.
  2. The ceiling of a steam room needs to be slanted, or the users will complain that they get cold rain coming down on them while they are showering. With a slanted ceiling, the condensation slide under the ceiling toward the sides and doesn't fall on the users.
  3. If the steam room walls are not made with water resistant material, the humidity will find its way through the tiles to the wall. When that happens, the tiles will crack whether or not they are sealed.
  4. If you use sheetrock for the wall, use the water resistant type that is used in showers. Before installing materials such as plaster, mortar or bricks, you will need to treat the surface of the wall with an epoxy type primer before installing the tiles.
  5. Tile steps can be made exactly like the walls, the important thing is to seal it well.  And the surface can be marble, granite, tiles, or what ever they want, and people don't get burned seating on them.
  6. The best way to bring the steam is through piping that is in the wall, and depending in the dimension of the room, one or more piping extensions come out of the wall from which the steam will comes out. 
  7. A good idea is to have on the piping that comes out of the wall an indentation where you can put a few drops of essential oil to add aromatherapy to the steam.