Top 3 Social Media Tips For 2012


If you have read any of my articles this year, you might have started with my Top 7 Social Media Tips For 2011. Part of me wants to simply repost it and say "more of this in 2012." But a subtle yet important shift is happening and your Spa MUST start planning and acting now. I can tell you what networks you should be on for your Spa and how to use those networks to maximize your business with the most effective use of your time until I am blue in the face. If you do not create great content, your community will never engage with you. Hear me now, believe me later - Content Is King!!!


  1. Start Sharing More. You have a lot of knowledge about taking care of your client's skin, muscles, appearance and even spiritual well being. Start using your status updates to share that information. The more often you update your status, the easier it will be, whether you are doing it for your Spa's Page or your personal Page. Get over the idea that you are too busy to update your Spa's Facebook Page. It doesn't take long and you can even do it from your mobile phone!
  2. Pictures. Open up People Magazine and most of what you will see is pictures. Why? Because we love to look at pictures. So much in fact that we are loading up more than 250 million pictures a day onto Facebook. You need to start sharing GREAT photos. Put this into your budget and your strategy for marketing your Spa and Services in 2012. Great Photos are Liked, Commented on and Shared on Facebook. If your photos are not engaging, get better photos!!!
  3. Video. This is still the promised land of social media. YouTube has 3 billion views a day. You have to have a YouTube channel and share GREAT videos on YouTube (then share links to the video on Facebook and Twitter). What makes a video great? Funny, Sexy or Educational. If you can't be funny or sexy for your Spa, BE EDUCATIONAL. Your clients will appreciate the content and share it with their friends, exposing your Spa to the best referral network you can ask for. If all else fails, share videos of your dog or cat, for some strange reason, our society is obsessed with pet videos.


Your Spa improves the quality of life of your clients every single day. Whether it is making them look or feel younger, removing the aches and pains of the week or rejuvenating their souls. Take your story onto Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and your Spa's Blog...and Share It. With over 800 million people on Facebook, there is a community waiting to be educated by you. Make 2012 the year of Sharing and Educating at your Spa, make it the most profitable year ever!!!