Youth embrace spa culture as never before

Spas are increasingly attracting the younger set. Driven by the growth of day spas, the popularity of alternative medicine, and a new generation concerned with taking responsibility for their own health, the average age of spa-goers will continue to decline.

Hot new Aqua Day Spa in Santa Monica boasts a stong repeat following of 20-somethings. 'And they are educated about health and wellness, says an Aqua attendant,'One sixteen year old asked me, will I lose fluids during my hydrotherapy treatment.'

The spa experience has even may its way into the college experience. The latest campus housing trend is 'health and wellness dorms.' A University dorm at Worchester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusets is called the 'Healthy Alternatives House.' Another, the Meditation and Mindfulness House at Allegheny College in western Pennsylvania, posts a sign out front that reads 'Please leave your shoes and your ego at the door.' Inside, incense burns on an altar displaying residents sacred objects.' Guided meditations are a weekly event.