New Cactus Spa Experience Offered at Grand Velas Riviera Maya

SE Spa at Grand Velas Riviera Maya is now offering a unique Páak'am Experience. With soothing and healing properties dating back to the Aztec era, the emollient-rich prickly pear cactus native to Mexico results in anti-aging, ultra-hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and skin-firming benefits. 

The Páak'am Treatment ($353, 80 minutes) begins with a traditional Mayan blessing honoring the elements — water, wind, fire and earth. Then, while the nopal paddles are heating, the spa therapist gently exfoliates the body with a sunflower cactus scrub. After a rinse in the in-room shower, the therapist massages the guest with the warm malleable nopales pads and a light rosemary oil. Only a small amount of the oil is used as the cactus itself releases a Vitamin A, D, E, and K-rich liquid that covers and then soaks into the skin. Post-treatment, guests are given a detox shot of spinach, cactus, cucumber, pineapple and lime served with a fruit skewer. Results of the treatment include a brightened complexion, boost to cellular turnover and metabolism, antioxidant powers to shield from skin-aging aggressors, and other toxin-fighting abilities.