Take a Tour of Cartesiano Spa with Bonnie Baker

Bonnie Baker, founder of Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts, served as spa consultant for the recently opened Cartesiano Spa at Hotel Cartesiano Puebla (Mexico). Here, she takes us on a tour of the spa and shares more on its fascinating concept. Set in the charming colonial city founded by the Spanish in 1531, the hotel, named for the art and science of Cartesian map making, is home to Cartesiano Spa, which merges science and nature together. “Honoring the name Cartesiano, from Rene Descartes, the French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician who coined the phrase, ‘I think, therefore, I am,’ the spa offers a true mind-body, high-tech, high-touch approach,” says spa consultant Bonnie Baker, cofounder and managing partner of Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts. In fact, it was Descartes’ work that led to the Cartesian map system that is used today. According to Baker, it was also instrumental in inspiring the spa’s overall concept. “We created a program that allows guests to create a life map for their spa experience, plotted along the Cartesian coordinate system into four principal wellness axis programs: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Subtle Wellbeing.”



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