Floating Cures Manic Mondays

Mondays can be brutal, staring down the barrel of a jam-packed workweek. Stress levels are breaking records lately, and everyone seems to be looking for innovative ways to rejuvenate and find peace. It’s only natural that many spa-goers are turning to floatation, which is mindfulness taken to the next level with a chamber of Epsom salted water. I’d read about this meditative experience, but it was just this last week I had the opportunity to try it for myself. Chill Space (New York City) served as the perfect antidote to my never-ending to-do list on a recent Monday afternoon. I stepped into the calm, clean space a little anxious about what a float session actually meant but equally eager to give it a shot. I knew I was in good hands; Joshua Kantor, who is the founder and owner of Chill Space has more than 20 years of experience helping patients achieve health and overcome pain and illness at The Kinesiology Center for Health and Human Performance. In his newest venture, Chill Space offers a trifecta of trendy treatments—floatation, cryosauna, and full-spectrum infrared sauna. I swapped business casual for a robe and I was ready to float my stress away. I settled into the warm waters, rested my head on a pillow, and shut off the lights and music. Buoyed by the salty waters, I could let go and let my thoughts drift away. It was a unique feeling of release and support, comforted by the still waters. I was barely moving, but the 60 minutes flew by and before I knew it it was time to emerge from my calm cocoon and return to the real world refreshed and relaxed. I, like many other spa-goers, learned to just go with the float, and I can’t wait to go back.