Carillon Miami Wellness Resort Introduces New Retreat for Women

Carillon Miami Wellness Resort has a new holistic retreat for women called Integrative Emotional Wellness. The wellness series started on July 8, and includes a weekend-long retreat from September 30 – October 3. The resort has partnered with relationship therapist, Dr. Paul Hokemeyer and Corey Spiegel, founder of the women’s networking organization Light House. Hokemeyer and Spiegel will lead workshops that introduce the science underlying toxic relationships and emotional wellbeing, and provide personalized strategies to help guests detox.The sessions are for women of all ages, and work to provide a healing space with empirically based, holistic and clinically effective treatments to support mental wellbeing. 

A retreat weekend starts at $2,953+ per person and includes three nights of luxury apartment accommodations, daily wellness breakfast and lunch, spa and wellness therapies, movement classes throughout the weekend, and more. The weekend sessions are available either $99 per person, per session; as a package of 4 sessions for $340 per person; or as a package of all 8 sessions at $520 per person. There are two series of are scheduled in two series: Series 1 will run from July 8-11 with Spiegel, and July 16 with Hokemeyer while series 2 will be available August 5-8 with Spiegel, and August 12 with Hokemeyer.

Session topics include:

  • The Neuroanatomy of Emotional Discomfort and Hyper-Reactivity: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. This session will explore the biological underpinning of anxiety disorders, as well as treatment interventions that can effectively manage and reduce anxiety.
  • The Art of Aging Gratefully: This session will explore how to can put ones best face forward and start accepting the natural beauty in each of us.
  • Wanna Be Friends? A Guide to Making and Keeping Grownup Friends: This session gets real about the perplexities of adult friendships and then we'll discover new ways to find “our people.”
  • Identity: Understanding the importance of self-perception while exploring the many things that shape and give us our sense of self. The Importance of Touch, Smell, and Breath: A fascinating discussion on how humans, particularly those with anxiety, navigate the world through their senses, and how those senses can be used to effectively manage the intensity of day-to-day living.
  • Bringing You Back to You: A highly interactive and engaging session revealing how to connect with oneself, unwind, and embrace joy.
  • Mindset / Reflective Listening / Emotional Vocabulary: This session examines the concept of personal schemas, and how women can create more balanced perspectives to improve feelings, deal with situations, and move forward effectively.