How to Build Greatness in Your Business

1. Build cumulative momentum.

Building greatness never happens in one fell swoop.
There is no single defining action, that can by itself bring about sustained greatness. We build greatness by a cumulative process step by step, action by action, day by day, week by week, year by year turn by turn of the flywheel.

2. Be relentlessly consistent over time.

Consistency of purpose, consistency of values, consistency of high standards, consistency of people and so forth.
Success is derived from many interlocking pieces that reinforce one another, consistently applied over a long period of time.

3. Create alignment by results, not hoopla.

When people begin to feel the magic of momentum when they feel the flywheel increase speed is when the most people line up to throw their shoulders against the wheel and push.

By Jim Collins, Author of Good To Great