Being Hemp Debuts CBD Products for Women’s Wellness Needs

CBD company Being Hemp, which formulates THC-free CBD products to address the unique health, wellness, and beauty needs of women, recently launched several new offerings. The new line consists of the first-ever apple cider vinegar CBD gummies, which support overall health and wellbeing with 350 milligrams of apple cider vinegar and 25 milligrams of CBD per gummy; an anti-aging three-product CBD skincare system, which includes a serum, day cream, and a night cream; and five condition-specific CBD tinctures, which deliver 50 milligrams of CBD per 1 milliliter serving and offer certain benefits, such as stress relief or an immune system boost. All of the products feature Being Hemp’s signature high-absorption nano CBD. "There is a big difference between marketing existing CBD products to women and creating physician-formulated products that meet women's specific needs," says Liz Gagnon, director of communications for Being Hemp. "As we looked at the landscape of CBD products, we found that women are looking for CBD products that speak directly to their concerns and that they can trust to work as advertised. We're confident that Being Hemp products will deliver the pure, powerful results that women expect and deserve."


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