The Pros and Cons of Dermaplaning

One of the trendiest hair-removal options today is dermaplaning, which is performed using a scalpel to manually exfoliate dead skin cells from the face. “Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation method that requires the use of a sterile surgical scalpel to gently shave the top layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, dead skin layer, and vellus hair, aka peach fuzz,” says Rosanna Siracusa, esthetician at Skin Matrx (Burbank, CA). “This treatment results in ultra-smooth, fresh, and brighter skin. By removing that dead layer and hair from the face, the skin is evened out, and it helps with cell metabolism, which helps new skin come to the surface.” But is dermaplaning just a passing trend? Or is it a treatment worth investing in? Here are some pros and cons:


  • It painlessly exfoliates the stratum corneum to stimulate cellular turnover with little to no downtime.
  • It is a great option for clients with sensitive skin and pregnant women who are looking for a deep exfoliation.
  • It can be performed prior to treatments like facials, laser, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels for better product penetration.
  • It can be performed frequently.
  • It helps makeup go on smoother and more evenly.
  • It can help significantly lighten postinflammatory scars from past acne.
  • It does not make the hair grow back thicker and darker.


  • It is typically more expensive than some other hair-removal treatments.
  • The results might not be as long-lasting as other hair-removal methods, such as waxing, as the hair is not removed from the root.
  • Results will differ depending on a client’s individual hair-growth cycle.
  • Not everyone is a candidate. Clients with active and cystic acne should avoid this type of hair removal, as it can cause further irritation. Also, it is contraindicated for clients with hirsutism, a condition of excessive male-pattern hair growth in women.



How Your Spa Can Capitalize on Dermaplaning Popularity

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