Supplement Surge

Jaime King at launch of new formula for Nouráge to benefit Locks of LoveIn general I eat a balanced, nutritious diet like many of your spa-goers (healthy recipe ideas here and here). It gives me consistent energy, and I enjoy the many natural flavors of produce. Even better, when I nosh on fresh fruit and vegetables regularly, I do notice a significant change in how my hair and skin look. Busy lifestyles and stress take their toll on the best heads of hair, but clients don’t need to suffer lackluster locks as I learned at a recent launch event for hair supplement Nouráge with celebrity Jaime King, who also happens to have a brilliant platinum mane. In addition to boosting hair, skin, and nail health, the new formula will also benefit Locks of Love. These capsules contain a combination of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with beauty boosting power that works from the inside out. Keratin in topical hair treatments is common, but Cynatine, a digestible form derived from the wool of New Zealand sheep is pioneering and is key to achieving strong, shiny, healthy hair. Even if clients are concerned about thinning or dull hair, selling such supplements after facials or massages might seem like a stretch, so we asked Los Angeles-based dermatologist Scott Rackett for his retail strategy. Here are his top tips for effective supplement sales for all spa-goers:

  1. Thorough Consultation: “We have all of our new patients/clients fill out a questionnaire regarding issues on their face that they are concerned about, frown lines or brown spots for example.  Once we started doing this, I was so surprised by how many women checked off the box for thinning scalp hair.  We then proceed with a laboratory evaluation to try to determine the cause of their hair loss and start them on Nouráge.”
  2. Marketing Materials: “I think having brochures or posters in the waiting areas is important, letting your clients know that you treat this condition, and that there is something all natural, safe, and effective that they can take to improve their thinning hair.”
  3. Utilize Social Media: “Share success stories of your Nouráge clients on your website or Facebook page, and if possible include before and after pictures.”

For even more ways nutritional supplements can benefit your clients and your spa, check out: Inside Job.