Youths Worldwide Reveal Similar Body Issues

An international study of males and females ages 15 to 25 has revealed interesting similarities and differences about how they see themselves in the U.S. and abroad. Interestingly, of the 16 countries surveyed, boys and girls worldwide were unhappy with similar body parts. For girls, this meant problems with their stomachs, thighs, bottoms, and breasts, and for boys, problems with their stomachs, muscles, and facial structures were common. While 47 percent of young women and 34 percent of young men in Brazil would consider plastic surgery to fix these problem areas, only 15 percent of U.S. youths would consider doing so. “The current generation of youth is often referred to by scientists as the most narcissistic group ever,” says Joeri Van den Bergh, Gen Y expert at InSites Consulting. “Therefore, it is not surprising that looking good is so important.”