How to Create Selfie-Ready Brows

how to create selfie ready browsSummer is right around the corner, which means even more photo opportunities and constant selfies for your clients. Make sure your spa is ready to get clients' brows camera-ready with these expert tips from Spruce & Bond (multiple locations) brow specialist Matt Shakik.

TIP 1) Create the shape that’s right for you

You want to accentuate the features of your client's face when you shape their brows. There is no same stencil for everyone when shaping brows, since every face is different and asymmetrical. Use their natural arches to define their unique eye shape to give them a lift. 

TIP 2) Use the correct tools

Using a powder or pencil helps you to create the fullness brows lack due to little hair growth. You can create what would normally be brow hairs if they grew in that area. Advise clients to never use a magnifying mirror at home, as it causes them to only see one brow at a time and not both together, which creates a better match.

TIP 3) Avoid Over-Plucking and Waxing

Do not jeopardize the structure or thickness by removing hairs that might in time give clients a fuller and more complete brow. Don't take out hairs on one side to match it up to the other if it means making the brow thinner. When it comes to an end goal with clients' brows give them time and let them go, it might be torture but it will be well worth the wait. When growing brows, tweezing is always the best option as it allows you to remove individual hairs to achieve the best shape.

TIP 4) Choose a Color that Looks Natural

You want the color to match well enough to look natural, yet you want it to be distinct enough to contrast a little. People normally try to match their hair color, but our brows naturally look darker because they're surrounded by paler skin.

For more brow best practices, check out how to fix common eyebrow errors.