INTA Launches New Certification Program for Nail Technicians

Paul Dykstra, CEO of Cosmetologists Chicago

This month, the International Nail Technicians Association (INTA), a subsidiary group of Cosmetologists Chicago (CC), announced its new Accreditation & Certification Program for nails technicians. This program recognizes individuals who have met a standard of knowledge and skill necessary to deliver quality services above the required by regulatory standards. This professional certification will provide prospective employers and the public with a means to identify highly qualified practitioners. “This is a program that is long over-due,” says Paul Dykstra, CEO of CC. “And, we have an ambitious timetable to ensure all aspects of the program, including instruction, examination, certification, and continuing education will be fully operational before America’s Beauty Show (ABS) 2017. It is time for the nail industry to elevate the status of its workers to a very professional level in the minds of the consumer.”

For the INTA Certification Program, a certification committee will develop eligibility criteria and an appropriate process and standards by which INTA can accredit salons that meet the rigorous requirements. The committee will also explore and establish continuing education options for nail technicians so they can demonstrate ongoing competence and additional learning within the core components of the program. “INTA is the perfect association to be developing this nail technician certification program,” says Dykstra. “We look forward to a time in the not too distant future when hundreds of nail technicians possess the knowledge and skills to earn INTA Certification. It will not only elevate the entire nailcare industry, but also provide safety and professionalism standards to assure a welcoming public that nailcare and nail fashion is a vital and important element of overall beauty and grooming.”