Study Shows Massage is Still the Most Popular Spa Treatment Among Men

The ninth ISPA Consumer Snapshot survey, which was released in May, focuses specifically on the spa-going experience for males and females (49 percent of those surveyed were male). The findings reveal some important insights into men and spas:

  • 37 percent of men prefer to book spa services over the phone (compared to 50 percent of women), followed by 31 percent in person or at the spa’s reception (compared to 22 percent of females), and 26 percent online (compared to 25 percent of females). 
  • Massage is the most popular treatment for men at spas (64 percent have experienced a massage in the last 12 months), but they are interested in other services as well—25 percent reported to have had a skincare service, 30 percent had a body service, and 12 percent have experienced a nail service in the last 12 months.
  • Men are more likely than women to choose body services (30 percent compared to 24 percent of women), fitness or sports services (29 percent compared to 10 percent of women), and hydrotherapy (20 percent compared to 11 percent of women).
  • Fewer men tend to spend $80 or more on treatments than women (43 percent of men compared to 52 percent of women).
  • When it comes to the gender of service providers, men show little preference either way, with the majority claiming to have no preference (51 percent compared to 44 percent of females).
  • Men are more likely to be receptive to a technology ban in spas (32 percent of men compared to 24 percent of women).

Check out our full rundown on men in the spa industry in our July/August issue.


What to Say to Make Men Comfortable in Your Spa

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