Smart Chatter

Thanks to everyone who joined our #WellnessWatch Twitter Chat last month with Millennnium Systems International co-hosts John Harms, founder, and Bob Maconi, vice president of enterprise sales. Giftcards came up frequently and do bring in business when done right. Here are a few more tips from these industry pros to help you boost your spa’s holiday marketing:

  1. When putting up #holiday decor, be mindful of your guests’ religious affiliations, as well!
  2. Take some time to #decorate with small touches, such as places like the treatment room or waiting area.
  3. Help your spa stand apart by partnering with a charitable organization and give back.
  4. Hosting a toy drive/canned food drive. Offer a discount for clients who participate.
  5. Use your Spa Software to find your top selling products. Bundle them with some slow movers (clear those shelves) and give a great package price.
  6. Don’t be shy about asking staffers about their favorites. Create gift baskets filled with their favorite goodies.
  7. Keep in touch with your client base via email and social media highlighting your promotions. You can even create a Holiday Gift Guide for them.

For the full discussion, check us out on Twitter @americanspamag and search #WellnessWatch.