Report Reveals Vacation Preferences

I love a rejuvenating vacation, which means plenty of time for both spa treatments and fitness. Good news for destination spa directors, a vast majority of Americans also agree according to the U.S. Vacationers Report conducted by Wellness Tourism Worldwide. The survey provides unprecedented data on vacation preferences and its impact on health, happiness, productivity, and personal wellbeing in the U.S. from a group of highly educated and well-traveled respondents. Here are some helpful fast facts from the report:

  • More than 90 percent believe vacations can improve happiness
  • Nearly 90 percent believe vacations can improve health
  • 84 percent believe vacations can improve productivity (81 percent attribute this to feeling more rested and relaxed)
  • 37 percent started a health regimen while on vacation

How do you attract new vacationers to your spa?