Arizona Spa & Wellness Association Expands Insurance Options for Industry Employees

The Arizona Spa & Wellness Association (AZSpaWell) has announced a first-of-its-kind insurance and health initiative for the spa, wellness, and fitness industries of Arizona. Through a new partnership with insurance broker and consultant NFP, and the nonprofit organization EMI Health, AZSpaWell is offering new statewide insurance and health benefits for members of the spa, wellness, and fitness industries, most of which are small business or part-time employees and independent contractors.

“This is an exciting opportunity for us to extend our resources to a wider network and include an innovative and independent workforce,” says Ed Kurowski, regional president of the mountain states region of NFP. “We are thrilled to work with the Arizona Spa and Wellness Association on solutions to address these heavy-hitting problems facing so many people in these industries in Arizona.”

The initiative aims at resolving rolling insurance challenges, employer costs, and rising premiums by introducing new programs that will provide accessible coverage as well as competitive employee benefits and combined market leverage throughout Arizona. The partnership will open new doors for industry employees to explore a variety of competitive insurance programs with pool and group advantages that provide greater coverage and will support industry growth, which AZSpaWell feels is imperative as the industry is experiencing unprecedented growth in recent years.

“For many of these businesses, easing liability and risk, while improving workplace health benefits and recruiting new talent are top concerns,” says Mia Mackman, AZSpaWell association president and founder. “In time, we hope the benefits of this partnership will help circumnavigate industry challenges, level competitive advantages, and relieve some of the workforce shortages we are seeing due to lack of availability and access to comprehensive benefit options.”

For more information on wellness industry insurance options in Arizona, visit


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