If you are doing what you did before COVID-19, you have failed to grasp how much the fitness industry has changed during the past 18 months. And even if you understand how it has changed, you may not know where and how to steer your business in this new environment.
That’s the theme of one of the keynotes at the Club Industry Executive Summit Nov. 8-10 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville. The keynote, “Reimagine Today’s Member Journey to Unlock More Revenue,” will be presented by Ian Mullane, CEO of Keepme (one of the sponsors of the event). Mullane will focus on how to reposition your business to meet new customer expectations and habits using technology that you already possess as well as new technology. He will provide takeaways for how to develop relationships with customers, meet their expectations, increase club usage and generate higher revenue for your club.
Mullane is known for his research on how technology is impacting the fitness business, his ability to demystify technology and the challenges the industry faces, and his thought-provoking ideas on how to capitalize on opportunities. He has 12 years of experience as a club operator as well as experience in the artificial intelligence world. He is also a member of the ukactive Digital Futures Council.
Register today for the Club Industry Executive Summit to gain Mullane’s insights for a more profitable and sustainable future for your fitness business. The event is open to the owners and C-suite executives at commercial clubs, studios, YMCAs, JCCs, university rec centers, parks and rec facilities and medical wellness centers.