My New Opportunity Requires a Bittersweet Goodbye to Club Industry

Last year in June, I celebrated my 20th anniversary with Club Industry, reminiscing about all that had transpired and the many people who had helped me along the way.

A year later, I’m announcing that June 14 is my last day with Club Industry.

During the intervening year, I engaged in a lot of introspection about where I wanted to spend the next part of my career and whether I was still the right person to lead Club Industry. I guess 20-year milestones lead to some soul searching (and perhaps a minor mid-life crisis).

I knew that I wanted to remain in the fitness industry, an industry that I love. And as fate would have it, an opportunity presented itself—and it’s one I’m excited to share here with you.

Starting June 19, I will be the senior director of communications at IHRSA, working closely with Jeff Solsby, senior vice president of communications, and Sami Smith, senior manager of communications.

IHRSA CEO Liz Clark has worked hard with a small team at IHRSA to streamline, refocus and re-energize the trade association for health clubs and studios, and their efforts are making a difference, engaging more people in the fitness industry to get involved in the lobbying efforts that this association leads. IHRSA’s priorities are advocacy, education and research, and I am excited to begin helping with those priorities next week.

I’ll be working on IHRSA’s research projects, marketing and content for the IHRSA events, and social media along with other responsibilities. So needless to say, I will still work with many of you and see you at IHRSA events and online.

Starting on June 19, you’ll be able to reach me at IHRSA at [email protected].

This industry is in my blood, and I am so happy to be serving it and you in a new way.

But what does this mean for Club Industry? Well, until my replacement is found, the brand is in good hands with Ruthanne Terrero, who is vice president of content for Questex, the parent company of Club Industry. She has a lot of media experience and will continue to cover the news you need to know in the fitness industry.

In my blog last year commemorating my 20 years with Club Industry, I thanked a lot of industry people who had supported my industry education. But I want to end this blog by thanking the editorial teams I have worked with at Club Industry because even though the last few years have been a solo journey, the initial years were filled with dedicated editors, writers and designers to whom I will always be grateful.

I start with John Agoglia and Dawn Hightower because they were there with me at the beginning. After that came Amy Fischbach, Jennipher Walters, Stuart Goldman, Stephanie Bloyd, Lara Hale, Brittany Keithley, Kelsey Cipolla, Eric Stromgren and Anthony Dominic. And I also thank the two talented designers I worked with: Cheri Jones and Jennifer Ray.

I don’t know if I have 21 years ahead of me at IHRSA, but I will give my all to make whatever time I am there as productive for IHRSA and the industry as possible. What we do as an industry is important to our communities, and I will always keep that top of mind.

I am glad to be adding a new chapter to my book of life, and I appreciate all of your support for me, Club Industry and IHRSA.

And this ends my last piece of content as content director for Club Industry. 
