Your Story...Their Journey – Part 1


As your sales cycle becomes longer and the landscape more complex, so too does the customer journey.

Before your audience is ready to buy, in most cases they will want to have experienced numerous interaction points with you, throughout the chapters of your story. The connection revolution is upon us and technology is lending massive power to who we are.

Modern business requires building relationships through engagement and it's hard to ignore that your online presence is a pivotal point in the evolution of your story. Increasingly, it is these early (online) chapters of the story that help your audience decide whether to embark on the journey with you, or not.

We are all fighting to be seen and heard on the most current and reliable platforms. Once you're on them, these platforms become touch points with a voice, and they are now responsible for telling their piece of your story. They help build momentum and guide the audience towards the ultimate destination; which is the sale.

Ads are still good marketing vehicles, but stories are better. Just ask Facebook...

My friends and family are always amazed and baffled when I tell them that I often read the final chapter of a book, first. Their reactions tell me I'm in the minority and that it's probably more natural for the story to unfold in a sensible sequence of events, ultimately leading to the final chapter and the climax of the story.

So just as a book has its chapters and climax, so must the customer journey. An order must be established with each of your touch points, with a guided message that tells your audience where they should go next.

Make sure your customer isn't just swirling around your touch points, getting sucked into the vortex and never led to a destination

Businesses without the H-Factor are on the extinction list

Whether you are a massive global brand or the one and only location in the world, don't under-estimate the importance of sharing yourself with your audience and letting them know there's a Hu-man (H-woman) who runs the business.

Deborah Szekely from Rancho La Puerta is a pioneer in the spa industry and always tells a wonderful story; whether in person, or through her many channels of delivery. When you click on "Our Story" within this website, there is a link to view a video on Deborah's Story. This powerful touch point video stirs honest emotions and creates an instant connection between Deborah and her audience. As well, all other touch points on this website work in "synchronicity", supporting the core of the story and the brand; forming an invisible pathway that ultimately leads the audience to the chosen destination...Eureka.

"H-Factor-UP" your website

Your search engine rankings speak first about your position in the industry, and once they've found you, your website may be the next most important touch point your audience experiences on their journey towards the sale.

It's becoming more and more likely that your audience is going to connect, like, tweet and BUY from you, if they can identify with the person who runs the business, and even become engaged with you personally.

I always click on "About Us" when I'm in a new website.

I like to see who's at the helm.

So ramp up the H-Factor to tell your story and engage your audience. Consider having tabs on "About Us", "Our History", "News and In the News", "Media", "Community", "Upcoming Events", "Our Partnerships", "Philanthropy", etc. Now's not the time to be shy or modest. I'm certain that you have a very interesting story and we all want to hear it!

It's important to link each of your H-factors to at least one chapter of your story; and then the chapter of the story to the sale. For example:

  • Link "About Us" to your blog; and your blog to an item in your shopping cart
  • Link "News" to a new product launch; the new product launch to the landing page; the landing page to an online order form
  • Link "Community" to an upcoming workshop; and the workshop to your online Registration Form
  • Link "Media Kit " to everything, for they are the distribution channels that are so vital to the sale.

Sounds straight forward enough, but now it's time for more of us to start doing more of it.....

Upcoming in Part 2 of this Blog...

We'll discuss more touch points and platforms that play a pivotal role in unfolding your story and the journey to the final destination: the sale.

Topics will include:

  • Publishingplatforms and the 80/20 rule
  • Speakingplatforms and finding your voice
  • Social Network Channels- A directory of people and their people
  • Combining the pieces of the puzzle.


Yes, I'm going to do it! I'm going to link you to Shop Spas2b so you can download our amazing Spa Marketing Business Management Manual You're going to love all of our hottest marketing secrets!