3 Tips for Transitioning Skin from Summer to Fall

Weather changes can sometimes cause skin to experience issues, such as eczema flare ups, pigmentation changes, ance, dry skin patches, and more. That's why it is important to help clients best prepare and transition their skincare to align with weather changes. As outdoor temperatures decrease so does the humidity, and indoor factors can also play a part---heaters and hot showers can cause dry skin and damage to skin barrier protein.

Dr. Konstantin Vasyukevich, a leading, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Manhattan, is here with three tips to help make the transition smooth for your clients:

  1. Don’t over-cleanse and exfoliate skin. Sometimes in summer, people tend to over-exfoliate skin and this can lead to the loss in ability to absorb and retain moisture. It’s crucial to take it easy on this skin in the winter months so moisture can protect from the harsh climate. A gentle cleanser and minimal exfoliating is key. 

  2. Moisturize extra: In winter, it’s important to use a moisturizer to rehydrate the epidermis and prevent water loss from the skin. Thick moisturizers without perfumes are generally the best option. 

  3. Use makeup products that are easy and gentle on skin: Sometimes makeup can tend to dry out skin and worsen the skin situation. Using a medical-grade foundation can help put a gentle and safe base for the rest of your makeup.