Helping Hands Gifts for Growth Grant Awarded

The California Academy for the Healing Arts (Costa Mesa, CA) was awarded a $1,000 Helping Hands school grant package at the ONE concept school rally held earlier this month at the Earthlite headquarters in San Diego County. The Helping Hands grant program, developed by Biotone and Biofreeze, supports the massage therapy profession through students and school grants. ONE Concept, the school rally organizer, partnered with Biotone and Biofreeze to promote the grant program. “We are very grateful to Biotone and Biofreeze for their support of our profession, and are very fortunate to have won this Helping Hands Gifts for Growth grant,” says Ariel Hubbard, chancellor of the California Academy for the Healing Arts and CEO of the Hubbard Education Group. “As we celebrate our tenth anniversary, this grant will assist our massage and energy work students to pursue their educational experience in greater depth. The grant helps us bring more product and equipment into our classroom for use by our students.” Hubbard accepted the grant, $500 cash and a $500 product package, for her winning school. Current massage therapy students can apply online for one of four $1,000 grants at