Allison Bevan, spa director at The Spa at The Joule in Downtown Dallas, provides her relaxation tips: 

  • Carve out time for yoga and meditation every day. Disconnecting from electronics and to-do lists can help people find clarity and mental stability. Bevan likens this to a charger for your mind, body, and heart. 

  • When starting meditation to promote relaxation, setting an intention is the first step to incorporating relaxation into daily routines. Whether it’s early morning, right after work, or before bed, even if it's just for 5 minutes, it's essential to allow for a moment to slow down.

  • At home, Bevan highly recommends a good body scrub. Scrubs are a soothing ritual that remove dead skin cells, which allows skin to absorb moisturizer better, unclogs pores, and prevents ingrown hairs. It’s also a soothing ritual and a nice item to keep in the shower and use once a week.

  • To help fully relax, it's important to care for yourself both physically and mentally.