5 Natural Ways to Achieve Better Sleep

Sleep is valuable for the mind to rejuvenate and for the body cells to repair themselves, and the right amount and quality of sleep greatly enhance the experience of daily life. The Art of Living Retreat Center (Boone, NC) is helping Americans achieve better sleep with these five tips:

  1. Yoga Nidra (also called yogic sleep) can offer a mid-day energy booster shot, what factors affect sleep cycle, etc. 
  2. According to Vastu Shastra, the Indian science of architecture, for the best sleep, your head should be directed south or east, and feet north or west. Also, read why you should be mindful of mirrors, bookshelves, and clutter in the bedroom.
  3. Treat insomnia naturally by exercising, getting more sunlight, limiting screen time, meditating, and practicing yoga asanas and pranayama. Here's a quick and effective Ayurveda-based remedy for insomnia: 
    1. Put a drop or ghee (clarified butter) in each nostril before sleeping.
    2. Wash your feet with water before sleeping.
    3. Oil massage your feet and head.
  4. Adding Ayurveda practices to your day can help promote better sleep increase energy. Practices include: nixing caffeine, unplugging, meditating, exercising, and drinking hot milk. 
  5. Try the following yoga poses to enhance the quality of your sleep: Vajrasana, Cat and Cow, Child’s Pose, Rock-a-Bye Roll, and Legs Up the Wall.

The Art of Living Retreat Center also encourages a wellness retreat to recharge and focus on better sleep, and wellness in general.