Artemis Distribution Launches New Acne Treatment

Artemis Distribution has launched a new acne treatment, Plason, an FDA-registered device that uses advanced plasma technology to stimulate skin regeneration and boost collagen for clearer, healthier, firmer skin. Plason is clinically proven for acne and most people start to see results after 1-2 treatments with no side effects, pain, downtime, or age restriction. The treatment is five minutes long and can be applied on all skin types and be used while on oral medication. The Plason hand piece harvests the plasma and releases ions and plasma radicals onto the skin, and stabilize themselves by attaching to the bacteria on the skin. They then break down the bacteria’s molecular structure, excreting all the germs, killing the bacteria, and sterilizing the skin. Clinical study results showed 27 percent improvement in acne after six weeks, 25 percent reduction in sebum oil after six weeks, and 15 percent improvement in dermal density after four weeks.