Artemis Distribution Reveals Survey Results

According to a new survey by Artemis Distribution, Gen Z and Millennials are the highest generations that are opting in for cosmetic procedures in 2022. The study, featured answers from more than 1.2K+ respondents and was produced by data scientist Niels Markwat, Ph.D.

Some survey highlights:

  • 24 percent of Gen Z and Millennials (ages 18-41) noted that they will probably undergo enhancements in 2022 (in contrast to those aged 41+, where only 3 percent stated they had an interest in potentially getting procedures done).
  • 58 percent of young people (especially Gen Z) feel driven to cosmetic surgery by social media presence.
  • People experiencing acne score their happiness significantly lower.
  • Those who regularly deal with acne report significantly more anxiety and depression.

The survey findings demonstrate younger generations’ attitudes related to how acne makes them feel emotionally and mentally, and the ways that they may be open to treating such concerns with cosmetic procedures. Furthermore, it highlights the rise of the cosmetic procedure and aesthetic treatment industry, particularly related to consumer interest in testing new treatments.