Chin Treatments are on the Rise

Celebrity cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank discusses the latest non-invasive treatments to build, tighten, and shape the chin.

“The chin plays a very large role in the definition of the jawline,” says Dr. Frank. “As we get older, we do lose connective tissues and bone structure in the chin, so some people do want natural enhancement. Years ago, people would opt for chin implants, but they have gotten more and more out of vogue as chin implants can be imperfect. As you age, tissue falls around the chin or the shape of the face changes, and the permanence of that implant---although an advantage in the short-term---may prove to be aesthetically unsavory in the long-term.”

Here are some non-invasive treatment options that are available today.


The most common treatment for chin enhancements are fillers. “Hyaluronic acid filler is the basic mainstay for chin augmentation, although we do use more structural, longer-lasting fillers like Radiesse, a natural precursor to bone and cartilage called calcium hydroxyapatite,” says Dr. Frank. While hyaluronic acid fillers are effective, "they may sometimes appear soft rather than defined, and may not last as long" as stimulatory fillers. For most patients under 40-45, a hyaluronic acid filler or Radiesse really makes a dramatic difference, both in the projection and shape of the chin,” he adds.


For patients over 40, Ellacor may be a more effective option. “Older patients may develop jowls or heaviness in the marionette lines where it would make it cosmetically unacceptable to build up the chin to create more roundness,” says Dr. Frank. “In situations like this, instead of adding, you want to subtract around the marionette lines or the jowl area with Ellacor for actual microscopic skin removal so that you can then add the appropriate defining filler.” This cutting-edge device uses fractional micro-coring technology to tighten skin without surgery or scarring – ideal for under the chin and around the mouth.


A non-invasive face and neck treatment that immediately contracts tissue. “For early stage laxity, we use skin-tightening devices like Ultherapy,” says Dr. Frank. Utilizing ultrasound technology to heat layers of tissue, skin is lifted, tightened and toned. It also boosts collagen and elastin production for increased suppleness and elasticity. “This non-invasive heat device is a simple option as it has no downtime and minimal maintenance, while providing long-term permanence,” he adds.

PFRANKMD Biostim injections

For added structure and definition, Dr. Frank recommends PFRANKMD Biostim injections. “It’s a great, long-lasting, truly structural-defining filler that we often use in the jawline,” says Dr. Frank. A unique formulation of Radiesse and Sculptra, these stimulatory injections cause long-term collagen and elastin production, resulting in smoother and tighter skin. These fillers come with very little risks, as Dr. Frank notes that “the biggest risk is always an aesthetic one such as bruising and swelling.” Since complications with these fillers are mild, many people opt for this in their jawline to create a bony structure and lift in that area.