Galderma Announces Facing Breast Cancer Together Campaign

Galderma announced a new campaign to provide education and support for breast cancer awareness as part of its nine-year partnership with National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Galderma aims to make an impact in the lives of consumers by providing innovative and effective science-based solutions that promote skin health and meet their needs, no matter where they are in their journey.

The survival rate of breast cancer patients has significantly increased due to early diagnosis and the efficacy of available treatments, thanks in large part to advocacy organizations like NBCF. It has been identified that changes in physical appearance as a result of breast cancer treatment are among the most significant causes of decreased quality of life in women with breast cancer. One of the key objectives to improve this is implementing a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach, including aesthetic treatments. This October, Galderma is featuring personal stories of five breast cancer survivors who received Galderma's portfolio of Aesthetic products, including Restylane, Sculptra, and/or Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA), as part of the "Facing Breast Cancer Together" campaign. "Alongside National Breast Cancer Foundation, Galderma will be honoring the nearly 3.8 million breast cancer survivors this month. This disease touches the lives of so many – it is not just the patient but their loved ones – children, partners, parents and friends - whose lives are impacted," says Carrie Caulkins, vice president, U.S. aesthetics marketing at Galderma. "It is common for people facing breast cancer to feel isolated or not like themselves. Galderma is dedicated to empowering individuals to feel their best, especially those who have lost that sense of self. We are here to face breast cancer together – it is our hope that survivors can embrace our aesthetic products to help regain any lost confidence and feel like the best version of themselves."

To acknowledge this widespread disease that has such a profound impact, Galderma will profile five survivors who embraced injectables to regain their confidence and feel their best on its social channels and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Additionally, for every new consumer who enrolls in ASPIRE Galderma Awards in the month of October, Galderma will donate $25 to NBCF, up to $50,000. Throughout nearly a decade of partnership, Galderma has donated more than $600,000 to NBCF to support and provide hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education programs, and support services. Galderma's financial support and contributions are also able to provide breast cancer patients with HOPE Kits which include a variety of educational materials and self-care items, including Cetaphil® lotion and ALASTIN® HA (Hyaluronic Acid) Immerse Serum. 

To follow along with the breast cancer survivors' stories,,, and