New Book Outlines Holistic Weight-Loss Plan

In her new book, The Well Path: Lose 20 Pounds, Reverse the Aging Process, Change Your Life (Harper Wave, March 2016), author Jamé Heskett, M.D., founder and director of The Wellpath (New York City), shares her holistic approach to weight loss after years of helping New Yorkers with high-tech quick fixes in her medical spa. Heskett outlines the effective plan and how she guided a group of women to reach their goals in 60 days. She focuses on healing the damage incurred from years of yo-yo dieting, achieving homeostasis, and re-energizing in the first month of Well Prep. The second month, Well Practice, outlines six key areas of CHANGE:

  • Circulation: Improving the vascular system to get rid of stored fat and toxins
  • Hunger: Learning to identify real and false hunger
  • Activity: Seeking out non-exercise activity to burn extra calories
  • Nutrition: Adding in a diverse array of nutrients to balance the gut and hormones
  • General Health: Understanding the importance of sleep, stress, sex, and socializing
  • Exercise: Planning exercise for maximum fat conversion

“They are simple strategies for integrated habits that promote anti-aging and help people shed fat,”
says Heskett. “I took 26 women through the program so I could document the whole thing, and it
was super successful.”