The Buzz About Bourbon Bodycare

It’s official: Bourbon is no longer just for drinking. With Me Care’s new Kentucky bourbon-infused goods, spa and salon-goers can experience quality products with an intoxicating twist. 

In 2019, the U.S. market for beauty and personal care reached $93.5 billion, while the bourbon industry is valued at $8.6 billion in Kentucky alone. With this in mind, Me Care founder and CEO, Melissa Happel, combined her passion for quality bodycare products and inspiration from her home state of Kentucky. The result is the authentic infusion line, which includes Bluegrass Bourbon Body Scrub, 3-in-1 Whisked Sugar Scrub Wash, Bootleg Body Butter, and Midnight Moon Moisturizer. 

“We promise to bring our vision to the international community by producing a luxury line of bodycare that infuses the essence of bourbon,” says Happel. “Our products celebrate Kentucky’s distilling history and are handcrafted with the same connoisseurship that a master distiller shows to a barrel of bourbon.”

Me Care’s Bourbon-infused body line commits to promoting conscientious wellness and social responsibility. All body products are cruelty-free and available for use in spas as both retail and backbar.



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