This November, skincare company Jindilli is partnering with Vicky Weis, who is the founder of nonprofit Faye's Light, to donate spa time to cancer patients. With this upcoming partnership, Jindilli will be providing products and training to all spas throughout the U.S. that participate in its ‘Sparks of Light’ Day, which is an initiative prompts spas to donate four hours of treatment time on Nov. 7 to people in active treatment for cancer and their caregivers. This initiative was formed in response to Weis’s passionate speech during last year’s Florida Spa Association event. Two members of the Jindilli team were moved by her call for the spa industry to help her bring hope, comfort, and healing to people undergoing active treatment for cancer. Faye’s Light is funded entirely by donations and since 2005, has provided 15,000 free professional treatments to cancer patients. Its current mission is to bring awareness to the concept that we are here to support each other through love and the power of touch. Sparks of Light Day serves to spread awareness of the importance of providing spa treatments to cancer patients and correct misconceptions about appropriate spa treatments for cancer patients and survivors. "We will be conducting a free webinar on Friday, November 4th at 3:00 pm CST to talk through what is expected, how to implement the protocols we have developed especially for this program, and how to best serve the clients coming in," says Lynille Steffenhagen, director of training for Jindilli. "Just being compassionate, providing a safe and loving space is enough. This is a great opportunity to help your guest understand the benefits of spa treatments as part of their overall treatment program and building relationships based on trust and understanding at the most difficult times in peoples’ lives. Vicky’s drive and passion have provided our industry, as well as Jindilli as a company, a beautiful way to show our love and compassion.”