Q & A with Julie Raistrick of Spa Montage

Meet Julie Raistrick, the elegant Spa Director at Spa Montage Laguna Beach, a five-star resort that balances luxury with holistic well-being.

How many years have you been involved in the spa/hospitality industry?

When haven't I been involved is more accurate….officially though, 15 years!

What was the path that led you into the spa industry?

I have been an avid health and fitness enthusiast all of my life.  I had always known I wanted to be involved in the preventive side of health & wellness.  My dream has always been to be a part of making a change in lives across the globe to lead healthier lifestyles while maintaining balance.  After completing my Master's in Exercise Physiology and while managing healthclubs, I attended a lecture given by Tracy York who inspired me to pursue the spa industry as an enhancement to my experience with the health club industry.  With her advice and thorough guidance from my mentor, Ann Brown, I have never looked back!

What is your favorite place in the whole world?

The small towns in the Alps in Switzerland - this is my magical place where I would love to spend more time someday.

If you could have any profession in the world, other than what you do now, what would you be?

To own my own business within our profession where I can touch the lives of many in a more personalized and intimate setting.

What is your motto or concept that you live by?

To always find balance while being extraordinary in everything I take on.

What is your most treasured possession?

My life.

What’s your go-to spa treatment?

Aromabalancing - when I am feeling off, out of sync, or just run-down, this brings me back into balance and allows for me to regain clarity.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Finishing the New York Marathon with a huge smile and no injuries!  Then of course, being the most supportive wife I can be for my amazing husband.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Wow, there is nothing I would change, I only want to continue evolving as a human being and continue learning how to be a contributor to our society.

Care to share any details on family life, i.e. spouse, partner, children, pets?

I am newly married, and family will be in the future.

Tell us two things about yourself we don’t know.

I am a certified level 1 Sommelier and I grew up in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York - now you all know why I am living in Sunny California!