ROI and Beauty Breakthrough Launch Brand Uncover

ROI Revenue of Inspiration and Beauty Breakthrough, made up of retail pioneers Gina Jacoby-Clements, Taylor Barry, and Melissa Chiofolo, have launched Brand Uncover. The online platform and concierge services streamline the procurement process, connecting partners with best-in-class brands to elevate their assortment. Brand Uncover’s virtual platform supports buyers by exposing brands to buyers they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. It also provides members with educational resources through recurring fireside chats with industry experts. “ROI and Beauty Breakthrough have launched Brand Uncover to offer a comprehensive approach to sales growth,” says Jacoby-Clements. “ROI has an extensive background in building a sales strategy and connecting brands with top buyers. Beauty Breakthrough prepares brand to successfully support their distribution partners. By combing the expertise of both companies with Brand Uncover, members gain access to an entire ecosystem of resources and support to help them achieve their goals.”