FDA Clears AviClear as Treatment for Mild-to-Severe Acne

Cutera has announced a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance of AviClear as a long-term treatment for mild-to-severe inflammatory acne vulgaris. This is the first acne therapy to claim long-term effectiveness for mild, moderate, and severe acne. AviClear initially received FDA clearance in March 2022 following an extensive clinical trial. Now after months of clinical data evaluation, the FDA has additionally recognized AviClear as a clinically efficacious and proven treatment for the long-term treatment of acne. AviClear selectively targets and suppresses the sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source, offering a durable and prescription free option for patients and providers.

As the first 1726 nm laser to be introduced to the market, AviClear continues to challenge the status quo in the acne landscape. In three, 30-minute treatment sessions 90 percent of patients experienced visible improvement in their acne six months after their third session. According to 12-month clinical data, improvement increases to 92 percent, confirming long-term efficacy of acne clearance and skin quality over time.