OPI Releases Back-To-Work Guidelines For Nail Pros

As nail salons start to reopen across the country, OPI is sharing suggestive guidelines them do so both confidently and safely. Note: When in doubt, check with your state board for specifics. 

Prior to reopening, these are the steps you should take to reduce risk of exposure to help you and your clients feel more comfortable: 

  • Sanitize and disinfect the salon prior to reopening
  • Stagger appointments to limit the amount of people in the salon
  • Consider waiving appointment cancellation fees during this time
  • Have adequate stock of single-use items (buffers, nail files, etc.)
  • Ask clients to bring their own mask, and if necessary, provide one for them
  • Confirm appointments 48 hours in advance to ensure clients are in good health and have not come in contact with others who are sick
  • Train your staff thoroughly on the new salon policies and guidelines 

Reduce touchpoints to a minimum:

  • Discard any non-essential items such as magazines
  • Consider updating restroom amenities to motion activated faucets, soap dispenser and hand dryers
  • Consider implementing a no-phone policy. Have clients text their nail art inspo before their appointment. 
  • Temporarily discontinue complimentary beverages such as water, tea, etc. 
  • Consider card or contactless payments only. Avoid cash exchange.

Respect social distancing guidelines:

  • If stations are closer than six feet apart, use every other station
  • There should be no more than 7 people per 1,000 sq. feet (staff included)
  • Temporarily close employee breakrooms