Five Reasons You Should be Offering Waxing Services

  1. Creating a Loyal Returning Customer: Waxing is a great way to build a loyal clientele as there is a need to return every 4-6 weeks due to the hair growth cycle. It is important to offer your clients a superior service each time to ensure they leave feeling completely satisfied. Using high quality waxes that remove short stubborn and fine hair and that do not leave a sticky residue behind will allow you to offer the best wax possible. Additionally, using the proper pre and post products will further soothe the skin and reduce any redness. It is also important to educate the client on their service and explain that for them to return every 4-6 weeks will reduce discomfort associated with waxing and provide them with the most comfortable experience. With waxing clients will see the immediate results and want to keep coming back!   
  2. High Margin, Low Cost Service: Waxing is one of the more profitable spa services as it has high margins and low overhead expenses. Reducing the amount of product used during the service will further drive costs down and increase your margins. There are a few ways this can be accomplished such as selecting a wax that can be applied thinly and will pull the hairs effectively. This will eliminate the need to go over the same area multiple times and reduce product usage. Selecting quality waxes will allow you to offer an exceptional service and therefore you will be able to price your services accordingly to increase your revenues. Additionally, the length of your services will shorten opening up your appointment schedule and allowing you to fit more services in your day. To further increase the efficiency of your waxing services, Strip wax is best used on larger areas of the body and Hard wax for smaller, more sensitive areas. Clients will instantly see the results and will leave feeling completely satisfied.   
  3. Upselling Opportunities: Retail products are a great way to increase revenue while adding value to your overall service offering. With waxing it is important to educate your clients on at home care. Having your clients use the appropriate after care products between waxing services will help you to provide a smooth, comfortable wax. For example, clients should be encouraged to exfoliate routinely between waxing services. Selling body exfoliants and scrubs are a great way to support your customers at home while increasing your overall revenue. Products focused on reducing ingrown hairs are also an excellent choice for retail.   
  4. Expand Your Offering: If clients come for one waxing service such as eyebrow wax and have a good experience they will often return for more (for example an eyebrow and a bikini). This will allow you to grow your business through your current clients. Furthermore, once you have offered your client a waxing service that they are comfortable with, they will not only return for more services, but will also tell their friends and family who will potentially now come to you for their waxing services. Thus, growing your client base.
  5. Demand for Waxing is Increasing: Waxing has grown in popularity over the years and continues to increase as it has the ability to achieve superior results in comparison to other hair removal methods. Differentiating your services by using quality products, educating your clients about at home care and offering appropriate retail products will set your spa apart and build your reputation as a reliable waxing spot!

To learn more about Lycon USA and to view their products, click here.  

The editorial staff had no role in this post's creation.