Expert Tips: Five Reasons Your Clients Need to Detox

Want to give your guests the lowdown on why a detox may be right for them? Here, our experts share some reasons they’re worth considering. 

“Regularly detoxifying skin tissue is essential for all skin types, particularly those challenged by acne, rosacea, pigmentation issues, and aging. It supports in removing impurities and toxins that may trigger inflammation and discoloration and further paves the way for healthy ingredients to absorb and support the skin.”
—Shannon Esau, director of sales and education, Rhonda Allison Cosmeceuticals

“Using detox products that are clean and free of toxic chemicals will allow the skin to breathe, stay healthy, regenerate, and look and feel soft and supple.”
—Melanie Edwards, director of the spa division, Columbia Skincare

“Congestion can show in a variety of ways, such as blackheads or dull and sallow skin. A detox that increases the circulation to the skin addresses these concerns.”
—Alicia Brown, regional sales executive, M’lis

“Our skin is the physical barrier that takes the hit when exposed to excessive sun, makeup, and sunscreens, lack of sleep, and long work hours. A detox offers a ‘reset’ for the entire being: body, mind, and spirit.”
—Elisabeth Nehme, global brand ambassador and master educator, Comfort Zone

“Detoxification prepares the body to receive a specific treatment series and is also beneficial for relieving tight, congested tissue. These treatments stimulate elimination systems for overall wellbeing.”
—Angela Eriksen-Stanley, director of education, Phytomer Group Brands


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