Do You Know the Bio-Availability of Your Supplements?

Bio-availability is a key term you’ll hear bandied about when talking about supplements. You’ll want to be sure the ingredients used in the supplements you choose are bio-available, because that means the body is able to absorb and use them. Of course, it’s important to note that people respond differently to products, regardless of whether they are used orally or topically. “A product that might be helpful to one person might cause a reaction or have little effect in another person,” says Eve Persak, resident dietician at Como Shambhala. When determining which supplements to take, she recommends asking the following questions:

  • Dose: How much is enough to offer therapeutic effects but low enough to maintain safety?
  • Duration: How long should you continue to take the supplement? Temporarily, seasonally, or indefinitely? Not all supplements are meant or studied for prolonged use. 
  • Timing: What time of day is best?
  • Contra-indications: Are there any possible interactions with food, medication, or other supplements? 



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