9 Tips for Creating the Best Video Content on Social Media

It's no secret that social media is a key component to running and maintaining a businesses. Even more so, video has become king of social media content. But if you're going to post a video, make sure you're doing it right. Before posting a video to social media, check off these helpful tips: 

  • Plan ahead. “Think specifically about who your audience is and what they are interested in seeing,” says Marlyn Montoya, graphic designer and social media coordinator at NovaLash. “Struggling at the last minute to make a video is very noticeable, lowers the quality of the content, and viewers lose interest quick.”
  • Keep videos short. “Videos need to be focused and to the point,” says Montoya. “Use the first few seconds of your social media video wisely to capture the viewer’s attention, and encourage them to watch the video until the end by keeping a sense of curiosity.”
  • Include a call to action. “If viewers watch the video until the end, they are interested in the content you have created,” says Montoya. “A great way to take advantage of this is to provide them with a task to do next. It can be as simple as visiting your website or giving a ‘like.’”
  • Study the analytics portion of all your social media accounts. “This is usually a free service for business pages in which you get to know when your audience is most active online and specific data about them,” says Montoya. “You can also see how many people clicked on your links, how many skipped the video, and how many visited your profile. By using these tools, you can get a better idea of what kind of content works for your audience.”
  • Use branding in videos. “Wear clothing that goes with your brand, and have products and marketing posters in your video for a more professional look,” says Jessica Baird, owner and lash artist at Color Pins Curls Lash Bar.
  • Practice before filming the video. “Practice on video, and watch it until you’re comfortable filming,” says Baird. “Speak loudly enough, clearly, and know what you’re going to say. Don’t say ‘um,’ ‘like,’ or speak too fast. Do not look around or use your hands too much, unless it is on purpose and has purpose.”
  • Learn some basic editing techniques. “I use iMovie, and it’s so easy to adjust sound, add titles, and cut video clips,” says Barry Eichner, cofounder of Lipgloss + Aftershave. “You can add a little background music and insert photos.”
  • Stage the space for the video. “Sometimes the angles are wrong or a mirror is in a bad spot and you get the camera’s reflection,” says Jill Stollmeyer, senior manager of regional marketing at MindBody and owner of East Wellbeing Spa. “Take the time to adjust, and get the shot right.”
  • Consider a professional for certain videos. “Hire a video professional to help with videos you’ll be using for social media ads and your website,” says Stollmeyer. 

Looking for inspiring social media content? Be sure to follow American Spa on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.


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