9 Foods to Help Skin Survive the Fall and Winter Months

When the weather gets colder, skin can suffer due to its exposure to the frigid, dry elements. Skin can lose moisture and become duller because of the dryness in the air. Aside from the various products that exist to combat these effects, there are also more natural and cost-friendly ways to help skin thrive. Osteopathic physician Christopher Calapai, D.O., who is board certified in family medicine, anti-aging medicine, and chelation therapy suggests changing up your diet to ensure your skin can survive the winter months. When clients come in complaining of dull, dry skin this winter season, encourage them to incorporate the following foods into their daily lifestyles to promote healthy, glowing skin during fall and winter. 

  • Avocado contains fats which help lubricate the skin, protect it from damage, and promote clarity and youthfulness. They also contain natural anti-aging properties.
  • Broccoli has vitamin C which synthesizes collagen, the protein that keeps the skin firm and helps protect it from wrinkles.
  • Carrots, which are comprised of beta carotene and lycopene, help shield skin against UV damage. 
  • Coconut oil is rich in fats that have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help provide moisture to skin as well as prevent acne.
  • Grapefruit contains carotenoid which makes skin smoother. When buying grapefruit, opt for one with a red-pinkish hue because these colors are from lycopene, and indicate the fruits are loaded with carotenoids. 
  • Oatmeal has many antioxidants, along with vitamins and minerals that improve skin health. When applied topically, the fibers in oatmeal also help slough away dead skin and prevent redness.
  • Olive oil provides skin with healthy, unsaturated fats that have many anti-aging benefits. It is rich in vitamin E, and can be used to treat and prevent dry skin.
  • Spinach and dark, leafy greens like kale are filled with iron, omega-4 fatty acids, and vitamins A, B and E, which protect skin and improve the immune system. The phytochemicals and folates also help hydrate skin and keep it healthy.
  • Sweet Potatoes are a great source of vitamin A, which help to lock in moisture, give skin a healthy glow, and protect it from damage. 


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